Facial aesthetics
We are happy to see you for a consultation if you have any concerns regarding the lines or wrinkles on your face. We can then discuss all possible options to help with your concerns and decide if you are suitable to have cosmetic fillers. These temporarily reduce or remove wrinkles and lines in your face. We often use a combination of anti-wrinkle injections - Vistabel®(Botox®) and facial and dermal fillers – Restylane.
As dentists we are fully qualified and ideally placed to administer cosmetic fillers because of our advanced knowledge of the structure of face, and our experience in carrying out intricate procedures.
Vistabel®(Botox®) is generally used to reduce wrinkles around the middle of the eyebrows, on the forehead, and around the outer areas of the eyes (crow’s feet). This will last up to 6 months, after which time you can consult us again regarding getting the treatment repeated.
Restylane® (Dermal fillers) are injections that contain hyaluronic acid. This occurs naturally in our bodies. It forms an important structural component of your skin and soft tissues, but as we get older the amounts of hyaluronic acid and fat around our skin reduces. Dermal fillers can be used to plump up the skin and provide lost volume to restore a youthful fullness to your face.
Dermal fillers are used on the lines between the side of your nose and the corner of your lips (nasio-labial lines), or the lines going down from the corner of your lips towards your chin (marionette lines). Dermal fillers can also be used to give your lips a more fuller look. These fillers last 9-12 months, after which time you can consult us again regarding repeating the procedure.
Prices start from £150, so pop in to our practice in Livingston for a consultation.